“On Cloud Wine?”
VesuvITas + Talkdesk Blind Wine Tasting Event
Thursday, July 29th, 6:30pm
Event details will be provided upon confirmation of eligibility. To ensure receipt of wine kit, please register no later than close of business Wednesday, July 21st.
Many wine bottles appear the same on the outside, but you find out very quickly that two wines that looked similar can affect the palate very differently. Unfortunately, you don’t learn this until after you’ve made the purchasing decision.
Similarly, many contact center solutions appear to have the same features and functionality. It takes an experienced palette to understand the nuances between them. Just like a Sommelier, VesuvITas knows how to pair the right solution to your unique business challenges. Our expert guidance prevents you from experiencing the heartburn that comes from realizing your contact center platform purchase doesn’t deliver what you expected.
Join us as we embark on a virtual blind wine tasting event that is sure to thrill. George has carefully hand-selected each of the wines for this event in collaboration with the team at VesuvITas. We will learn how a Master Sommelier approaches a blind wine-tasting during this casual event as George guides us through the proper wine-tasting techniques. Likewise, we will hear from VesuvITas and Talkdesk about the proper approach to evaluating contact center and customer experience solutions.
Please fill out the form to confirm your eligibility for this exclusive event.